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Planning & Design

Asim Mehmood, Director P&D


The Directorate of Planning and Design, Faisalabad Development Authority, is primarily responsible for scrutinizing the cost estimates initiated &framed by Engineering Directorate. The Directorate also serves a recommendatory role to the Chief Engineer FDA at the time of the approval of cases of Engineering projects i.e. Technical Sanctions, price comparative statements, deviation statements, of ongoing development works. In addition, the Directorate assists Engineering Directorate in accomplishing preliminary structural design of civil works as and when required.  The mandate of Directorate of P&D also includes vetting of provisional road structure design of Private Housing Schemes (PHS).

Main Functions

 1.Checking of Estimation: The Directorate of P&D checks, vet and processes the Rough Cost Estimates, Detailed Cost Estimates and Bid Schedules of ongoing engineering works against prevailing Bi-Annual Market Schedule of Rates (MRS), market rates and input rates of material, labour and equipment notified by Finance Department Govt of the Punjab before the grant of administrative approval and technical sanction, respectively.

2. Recommendation for Award of Work:The Directorate also recommends the evaluation of tender opening committee to the Chief Engineer for award of works to contractors in terms of Punjab Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) rules, Financial Delegation of Powers 2016, Audit observations and B&R Code.

3. Checking of Revised Estimates: Directorate also checks, vets and processes the Revised Detailed Estimate of engineering works keeping in view the Financial Delegation of Power 2016 and West Pakistan  Buildings and Roads (B&R) Code.

4. Checking of Material Deviation Statements: Furthermore, the Directorate, checks the material deviation statement of executed engineering works before the release of final bill to the contractor.

5. Provisional Sanction of Road and Pavement Design in PHS: Directorate of Planning & Design (P&D) is responsible for vetting of road and pavement structure design of Private Housing Societies (PHS) keeping in view the approved Layout Plan (LOP), Punjab Geometric Design Manual 2012, Punjab Private Housing Schemes and Land Sub-division Rules 2010 and AASHTO Flexible Design Guidelines 1993.

Rules & Laws
  1. Punjab Road Sector Policy
  2. Financial Delegation of Power 2016 and West Pakistan Buildings and Roads (B&R) Code
  3. Punjab Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) rules (Ammended-31.12.2021)

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